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Calcium and Magnesium are the Framework for Plants


Main Ingredients
Years in the Making
Available Sizes
Amazing Product

Framework Ca/Mg

Calcium is essentially the Framework of plant nutrients.  It is required for cell wall and membrane structure and coordinates countless processes through enzyme activation.  It also signals nutrient availability changes within plants and has a close relationship with the availability of P, Mg, and K.

Framework is an available form of Ca and Mg at a 6:1 ratio, with no nitrogen.  With a surfactant-like consistency, it helps keep drip lines clean and spread water further.  Can be used in foliar applications.   

This formula represents our Golden Ratio of ingredients and application rates to use in  any style of gardening.  Try Framework Ca/Mg from Phi Plant Nutrition today and discover Nature's Recipe for Success!

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Easy to Use

Consistent, low application rates, soluble formulas.

Apply Everywhere

Framework has a slippery texture that helps the water spread evenly when providing foliar applications.  

Not Just for Soil

Clean formula can be used in both organic and hydroponic systems.


Able to be used in a wide variety of crops and styles of gardens.  Drip, teas, aeration and more.

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